Sommerville Trials Portal

What to Expect When Participating in a Clinical Trial

Participating in a clinical trial is a significant step in contributing to medical research and advancing healthcare. Here’s a comprehensive overview of what you can expect throughout the process:

Initial Screening and Enrollment

The first step involves a thorough screening process to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria for the trial. This typically includes a review of your medical history, current health status, and any specific requirements of the study. During this phase, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain a clear understanding of what the trial entails.

Trial Participation

Once enrolled, you will begin the trial according to the study’s protocol. This might involve regular visits to the research facility, participation in tests, and adhering to specific guidelines provided by the study team. You will be closely monitored throughout the trial to track your progress and ensure your safety.

Ongoing Communication

Effective communication is crucial during a clinical trial. The study team will keep you informed about your progress, any potential side effects, and any adjustments to the trial protocol. You are encouraged to share any concerns or changes in your health to ensure the trial remains safe and effective for you.

Follow-Up and Post-Trial

After completing the trial, follow-up appointments may be scheduled to assess your health and gather additional data. These visits help researchers understand the long-term effects and effectiveness of the treatment. Additionally, you will receive information about the outcomes of the trial and its impact on future medical advancements.

Participating in a clinical trial offers a unique opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research and potentially benefit from new treatments. By understanding what to expect, you can make an informed decision and feel confident about your role in advancing medical science.